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Incorporated in 1983 as a 501(c)3 tax-exempt, non-profit, non-denominational  organization, Exodus Prison Ministry is dedicated to the evangelization and discipleship of prisoners throughout the United States.   

We believe that regeneration of the heart by the Lord Jesus Christ is the only answer to changing the behavior of inmates (and every one!).  Rehabilitation of inmates cannot be lasting or effective until there is first a heart change that comes from an individual becoming a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Our main avenue of outreach is an in-depth 35-book Bible correspondence course that is sent free of charge to requesting inmates.

Exodus operates strictly on donations from caring, mission-minded individuals and churches.   All work is done by volunteers. No one receives a salary for their service.

Testimonies of inmates, their family members and Chaplains give evidence that the Exodus Bible studies are effective witnesses for Jesus Christ.  Many former students of Exodus are now living as Christ-honoring, productive citizens in the free world.  Also, many Exodus students who are still in prison are witnesses for Christ to other inmates.

We pray that this site will encourage you to support this ministry through your prayers and donations.


Copyright(c) 1999 -2025 Exodus Prison Ministry. All rights reserved.